Friday, March 27, 2020

Social Distance Tying

With the virus Covid-19 (Coronavirus) creating turmoil throughout the world and everyone distancing themselves socially I chose to deepen my fly choices in my fly boxes.

I have had lots of time at home, the ice is not off the lakes yet and there is little to do during the muddy transition from winter to spring. I have been tying a variety of flies such as scuds, nymphs, dries and of course chronomids in preparation for the soft water season. 

Not much else to report, other than I am hopefully honing a few skills while passing some time. A couple of notes. I need more material (although I can never have enough). Also, I am really liking UV resin. I currently use Solarez Bone-Dry. I would love to explore more types, brands, and colours. I have even ordered a bigger, plug in, UV light that is used in nail decorating facilities. Looking forward to its arrival.

Looking ahead I have a few projects before ice off. More flies, reinforce the bow of my boat for towing and buy some new tires for my truck (better off pavement capabilities).

See you on the lake... but keep your distance!